Sama Chance is led by a dedicated and diverse team of teachers, activists, students, health center workers, managers, and cultural actors. Having seen in the course of their own work the extreme dangers of illegal migration, the founders of Sama Chance made it one of their central missions to raise awareness about illegal migration and the immense negative socioeconomic impacts it has for the migrants themselves, their relatives, and both their home and destination countries.
The founders of Sama Chance have already designed and implemented numerous projects under the Solidarity, Migration, and Development program area. Under the Education, Citizenship, and Development program component, Sama Chance projects and advocacy focus on protecting and promoting the rights of children — especially their rights to legal recognition and education.
Through its advocacy and programs, Sama Chance seeks to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and civic engagement among young Senegalese and to increase patriotism in order to enable them to build a successful life, especially professional, in their country.
Founded by a group of friends based in Germany and Senegal.